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Eucalyptus Tree

Q.Dying Eucalyptus Tree?

Zone Pahoa, HI 96778 | TRISHA BROLEY added on July 9, 2017 | Answered

Rainbow Eucalyptus tree, 10 months old, about 10′ tall. All the lower branches have been dying off as the tree grows taller. Now there are only a few branches left near the top of the tree. There always appears to be new growth at the top. Some leaves are turning red, even at the top. The trunk seems dark and splotchy.
Planted in cinder, planting soil, and gets fish water and rabbit tea. We live in Puna area of Hawaii with lots of rain and so so sun. Tree is planted in area with mostly sun.
Not sure what to do for it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 12, 2017

If you see some reddish spots/marks on the leaves- this is normal, not a disease or problem. Rainbow Eucalyptus will drop and regrow many leaves while they are young. You may even see entire branches drop and then another grow nearby. It is very common for Rainbows to have bright red to pink new leaves, along with some reddish coloration on older leaves.

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