Q.Dwarf pussy willow tree
Hi, I wrote you July 5th and thanks for your response. My tree was starting to have some brown leaf curing and dropping and I was concerned. We live in New York about an hour North of NYC and this tree is new to us. I gave it some fertilizer recommenced by a nursery and months later some miracle grow. Now the tree is more than half leafless, the turned brown/grayish and dropped. I’ve trimmed it back somewhat, but my question is…is this normal to drop the leaves by mid-September? Although other trees around my house are turning colors and dropping leaves now I didn’t know what to expect. I assume, probably incorrectly that the dwarf pussy willow would turn beautiful colors and slowly drop leaves. If this is normal for this species then I’m happy if not ???? Here are before and after pictures for comparison sake. Thanks in advance for your help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Is your dwarf pussy willow getting plenty of water? It prefers a moist soil. If not, that might be why its leaves are dropping early. It's a preservation tactic for the tree.
Unfortunately, not all deciduous trees are beautiful in the fall. The pussy willow is definitely deciduous. I came across this article I thought you might enjoy: https://extension.psu.edu/pussy-willow-a-valuable-native-plant