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Dwarf Mondo Grass

Q.Dwarf Mondo Grass

Anonymous added on June 28, 2015 | Answered

I have Dwarf Mondo Grass in between pavers in my backyard by the pool. It gets plenty of sun in the morning and afternoon until about 4:00pm. I live in Dallas, Texas. We have been averaging 95-100 degree days. Some of it appears to be dying out even though my sprinklers come on 3 days a week for 20 minutes. It gets plenty of water or maybe too much? We moved in to the house last September. It was already there but the previous owner had turned off utilities so it got no water during the hottest days of summer and most of it died. I replanted and it appeared to be doing fine but now it looks to be dying. Any suggestions? I don’t want to lose it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 29, 2015

Mondo grass actually prefers more shade than sun, so this may be causing some of the problem. Overwatering can also cause the grass to die out, as established plantings require little watering.

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