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Citrus Trees

Q.Dwarf indoor citrus

Zone 07840 | caren8791 added on February 9, 2019 | Answered

Why does my citrus have no fruit? I have had this for a almost a year. It has sprouted, and the new leaves are bigger than the original ones. As of 1 week ago a new branch is growing, as you can see in the photo.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 9, 2019

Yes, this will need AT LEAST 8 hours of Bright, full, direct sunlight or equivalent to fruit. The more hours that you give it (Mine are under 750 watt LED panels at 18 hours of light per day) the better they will do.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 9, 2019

If that is the only light that it is receiving, then it won't fruit. I will need to know a little about the tree. Do you mean that you planted a seed 1 year ago? or you purchased an already grafted tree 1 year ago? This will make a HUGE difference.

If you planted this from seed, then with 200 watts of horticultural grade light and proper care, you can expect the first flowers in 3 to 6 years.

If this is from a nursery, then 200 watts or more of horticultural lighting, and proper care will give you flowers in 1 or 2 years.

Unfortunately, these trees require much more light than most trees will to produce anything at all. Indoors, no matter how bright the window, will not be enough for most cultivars. It will be an ornamental tree in this fashion.

They will also prefer to be rootbound in pot to produce, so any transplanting can be expected to offset fruit production by a year as well.

Please include any and all information that you have regarding the tree, and I will be more than glad to assist you.

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Answered on February 9, 2019

Aaahhhh that makes more sense.. can I cut off the new leaves or just leave it?

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Answered on February 9, 2019

Thank you for the help. My husband bought It already grafted at Lowe’s.It gets about 4 hrs of sun in a day but not the morning sun and I repotted 1 week after i got it.

Thank you

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