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Fountain Grass

Q.Dwarf Fountain Grass

Zone Whittier Lake, MI 48189 | Cherienorm added on June 11, 2016 | Answered

I planted 2 medium Fountain Grass plants last year in the fall. Now spring is here and I cleaned out all my garden boxes and the grasses look dead. They’re all brown, and I don’t see any new growth in the center except regular grass that I have taken out. My husband thinks we’re supposed to cut it back to the ground so new growth can come up. Can you please tell me how to care for this plant? This is my first flower garden. I have one on each end of the box, not sure if I should take them out and put them on the outside of the box. Thank you, Cherie

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 12, 2016

The best time to prune back Dwarf Fountain Grass is in the spring before new growth has begun. Here is an article that will tell you more;

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