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Q.Dwarf Dogwood tree – areas of bark cracking and splitting, how to repair ?

Zone 10538 | Anonymous added on November 19, 2019 | Answered

I planted a semi dwarf Dogwood tree , it is in its second year and there are 2 areas ( about 8 to 10 inches ) that are showing cracking and splitting of the outer bark . What is the recommended method(s) for repair?
It was suggested that I apply spag moss and a tree wrap product? Your opinion?

Much Appreciated

Jim Mulcahy / Larchmont , N Y

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 20, 2019

This appears to be what is called Basal Trunk Canker. This is a serious tree illness that will have to be dealt with by a certified arborist. Your local extension service should be able to help. This link will help you find the nearest one to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search

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