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Dutchman's Pipe Vines

Q.dutchmans pipe

Anonymous added on June 27, 2015 | Answered

We have a Dutchmans Pipe and it is growing up the old tv antanae. It is about 40 feet high, and the trunk is about 3 inches thick. This year though, it has tiny pinholes in it and it is dropping leaves. It has never done this before, I am just wondering why it is doing this. Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 27, 2015

The holes are classic borer damage, though which kind of borer it is would be hard to say. Borers are hard to deal with because being inside the plant protects them from many kinds of pesticides. I would recommend using neem oil. Neem oil is absorbed by the plant and makes the whole plant poisonous to any bugs that eat it. This should take care pf the problem.

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