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Dutchman's Pipe Vines

Q.dutchman’s pipe

Zone 80525 | dwhitney0618 added on May 29, 2017 | Answered

Six year old vine is planed in shaded area next to 6′ lattice. Lower two feet of plant does not receive sun. Pant covers lattice and top portion of lattice receives more sun. Plant has never bloomed but grows has profusely. Many blosooms have formed the last three seasons but drop from their stems before flowering. Do I need to fertilize and if so what percentages and what time of year, or is plant in too much shade? I was told the plant would do well in partial shade when I made the purchase from the nursey about six years ago. When plant spill over lattice to neighbor’s side it is exposed to the south and substantial sun.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 30, 2017

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