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Duranta Plants

Q.Duranta when does it flower??

Zone 48124 | Caterpillar1960 added on June 28, 2017 | Answered

I asked a simple question and what I got was a “go to this website” answer, which tells all about care of a duranta but not when I can expect to see flowers. So no, that was not helpful.

AGAIN: I brought it in during the winter and it is now June, it’s outside again, and there is tons of new growth on it, but no signs of flower buds. When can I expect it to flower, if it’s even going to?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 30, 2017

The flowers are produced in tight clusters located on terminal and axillary stems, blooming almost all year long. In the case of the plant moving from indoors to outdoors you should have blooms throughout the growing season.

We offer articles that help you with general care information, this will aide you in getting your plant to flower.

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