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Duranta Plants

Q.Duranta plant fertilizer

Zone 38501 | sheila74prince added on July 15, 2016 | Answered

To get my 2nd yr Duranta to bloom, what formula of fertilizer should I use? I have read that it needs to be “slow.” Which mixture 10/10/20 or what?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 17, 2016

You'll want to get your soil tested to determine which slow-release mix is best for your Duranta (unless you already know your nitrogen content). Many local university extension offices can help with this (more about extension offices here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/what-is-extension-service.htm)

Once you know the nitrogen content of your soil, this site will walk you through determining the appropriate mixture:


And this article provides some tips on caring for Duranta plants:

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Answered on July 17, 2016

Duranta are heavy feeders. Fertilize with 1/2 tsp of fertilizer by gallon of water once a week. Use a balanced formula like 15-15-15 or a blossom booster formula 7-9-5. Do not fertilize in winter.
If the leaves are yellow and drop from the plant you can increase fertilizer to twice a week until the plant greens up.


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