Q.duranta blooming
I have overwintered my duranta and it was green and growing well, although no flowering after the summer. I placed it outside in the full sun when the weather was warm. Still green and growing, but no flowers… I have fertilized it with miracle grow. It is watered when it rains. What am I doing wrong?

Use a balanced fertilizer four times throughout the growing season. Feed it starting in early spring and continue to fertilize till late fall. This will ensure that the Duranta grows healthy and displays its flowering prowess to the fullest.
A rich and organic soil, which drains well, is best suited to grow the Duranta plant. Soil that does not drain well is a major cause of root rot in many plants, and it is a risk no one should knowingly take.
Check the fertilizer NPK you are using, too much nitrogen will cause a lush green plant and little flowers.