My dumb cane plant is about 3 feet high. The pot is 10 inches high, 7 inch diameter. The problem is, where the leaves start, the stem is fatter than the lower part of the stem at the soil level in the pot, so it’s getting top-heavy and is starting to tip. Is there a way to encourage the lower part of the stem to grow thicker? If not, how do I avoid this in the future?
You can cut off a Dumb Cane that has become to tall to support itself.
You need to wear gloves, as the sap is a skin irritant. Remove no more then 1/3 of the plants leaves.
Make a cut on the stem at 45 degrees 1/4 inch above a leaf node, these are the brown rings on the plant stem.
New growth will began at this point.
The remaining stem cuttings can be also propagated into new plants.