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Dumb Cane Plants

Q.Dumb Cane

Zone Indianapolis, IN | cliggi25 added on June 1, 2016 | Answered

I have a 2 dumb canes. One is in my bedroom that is doing amazing. I bought it at Lowes for 3.00 in the clearance section. I repotted into a bigger pot and added some potus stems I had rooted. My 2nd dumb cane is at work on my desk. I work at a Hyundai Dealership, so it gets LOTS of natural light because the showroom is pretty much all glass. It is smaller, also got at Lowes in the clearance (I like to get the cheap ones and watch them come back). I repotted it not long after getting it. I did have it in too big of a pot so I went to a smaller one. It seemed to be doing ok. I cut all the dead off, checked the roots and all that. But now it won’t grow any leaves. If it starts, the tips are brown. I just pulled it out, checked the roots. All are white and healthy, not mushy, soil drains very well (miracle grow and extra peat). So my question is, should I repot into a smaller pot? Do dumb canes like to be compacted and root bound? The pot it’s in now is a few inches wider than the rootball. I’m pretty sure that’s the issue and it just wants more security. Thanks in advance!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 2, 2016

The bright light at the dealership may actually be too bright and/or too direct for your dieffenbachia (dumb cane) plant, and the glass amplifies it. Dieffenbachia prefer filtered light, and new shoots are very susceptible to sunburn!

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