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Succulent Plants

Q.Drying, Wilting Of Succulents

Zone 4212020 | Anonymous added on April 6, 2021 | Answered

Got succulents from nursery 15 days ago. Repotted them with cocopeat and garvels. Water only when the soil seems dry. They receive 1-2 hours of direct sunlight and then they are in normal daylight. Also, I had few callos leaves that I had kept on moist coco peat for propagation. All the plants have dried up, leaf losing their colour, leafs have started rotting. Please help me with it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 7, 2021

It's possible your soil isn't draining well enough, a couple of them looked too wet. They could also use more direct sun. The plants may also be responding to the recent transplant.

Here's an article that should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/scgen/saving-dying-succulents.htm

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