Q.Dry Tips On Indoor Hyacinth Leaves
This is the first ‘wintering’ inside for my Mother’s Day gift of a hyacinth. I put a watering bottle upside down in a clay cone base in the pot. I trimmed the plant back last fall and kept it watered all winter. Now there is nice growth in the center, but I noticed the leaf tips are dry and shriviling. Does it need more water? Also, where do I get the products to make my hyacinth pink or blue? thank you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, this sounds like one of the most common problems with the flower: Overwatering.
This will need to be taken care of with a fungicide. There are many, so it will be up to you, which you choose. This article will help:
Now, about that indoor growth... Your plant will need to experience a winter dormancy, each year, to properly flower and grow. This will help you with indoor care:
This article will help with general care:
Finally, the color of the blooms will be able to be changed by soil pH. A lower pH will produce a blue flower, while a high pH will produce a pink bloom.
Unfortunately, we cannot recommend specific products, or where to obtain them.