Q.Dry conditions
I have a rock face behind my villa in Spain. In order to stop soil erosion (and therefore rocks falling) I need to plant a climber to cover the rock face and stop the heavy rain reaching the soil underneath. The rock fave is 5 meters high and 6 meters wide. Daytime temperature in summer is up to 35 degrees. Winter is down to 8 degrees overnight. I don’t mind a climber or a trailer.
Any suggestions bearing in mind water for half the year is the main problem.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I'm assuming that this is celcius, otherwise, this would be quite hard to find plants that will stay in this cold of a climate! Ha ha! In reality, there are several options that you have here. You are in a prime area, and if you rarely experience frost, then you can, pretty much, plant anything that you want. Have you thought about kiwi or passion fruit? These articles will help you;
Kiwi articles: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/kiwi/