Q.Drooping Calla Lilies
I received a potted calla lily as a gift and it was already drooping. The soil is not overly wet, just moist and I can’t see any visible rotting happening within the leaves/ flowers. However the entire plant is extremely droopy, why is it like this and how can I help it spring back up??

I've read that calla can do well in bright indirect light as a houseplant so I wanted to correct my earlier answer. Most of the drooping in your plant is from the old flowers. So cut them down as far as possible, gently fertilize and it should rebloom sporadically in 3-4 weeks. Here is more info on drooping calla with lots of other related pages on calla care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/calla-lily/drooping-calla-lilies.htm

Calla like direct sunlight for 6+ hours/day. I would cut off the blooms that have turned green. Otherwise, the plant will direct energy into making seeds instead of more blooms. That's a lot of green leaf for the pot they are in. If your calla doesn't perk up soon, consider "potting up". That will give you the chance to examine the roots and rhizome (tuber). Fertilize gently until the plant recovers - use about half the recommended amount. They like more moisture than most plants so stick to your routine of keeping the soil moist.