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Flowering Cherry

Q.Dried leaves on blossom tree

Zone Fife, UK | Anonymous added on May 6, 2018 | Answered

I have a blossom tree, not sure what type (possibly an ornamental cherry). The tree has just finished blossoming and has grown its leaves, but a lot seem to have dries up, but havent fallen. It has been dry for many weeka, but we have watered it knce or twice a week. It was pruned of its new growth during last summer but not sure if this has had any impact. Can you help identify what is wrong?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 7, 2018

I would remove the dead parts of the tree. Use sterile tools, to avoid spreading any disease.
You should inspect the tree and it's leaves for signs of pest or disease.

Avoid overwatering an established tree. Make sure the soil is well draining. Excess moisture could lead to root rot.

If you see pests, treat with Neem Oil.
Your tree is up against a building and fence and air circulation may be inhibited.


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