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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.Drafts/ceiling Fans And Norfolk Island Pines?

Anonymous added on June 14, 2022 | Answered

I have a small (1.5 foot tall or thereabouts)Norfolk Island Pine that I bought around Christmas 2020. It seems to be doing well, aside from a few dry, curly branches that I have already removed. Since the plant seems healthy otherwise, I am assuming the branch dryness was simply a natural occurrence like many plants and trees experience. My question is, I keep the tree in my bedroom, and with the summer heat setting in, I like to keep a ceiling fan on overnight. I have read that drafts can be detrimental to a Norfolk Island Pine, so I am concerned about the ceiling fan being on, but I have no where else to keep the plant and the fan is necessary. Is there anything I can do to strengthen the plant against concerns regarding drafts, or will I just have to see what happens and hope the plant is okay with the fan being on? Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2022

Can you fashion a shade cloth over it that will prevent the wind from drying out its leaves? Any kind of barrier to stop some of the air flow. They dry out easily and it is also important that they get high humidity. It is normal for the lower branches to brown, but higher up on the tree signals a problem. Here is more:


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