Q.Dracena Killing Itself!
My dracena is growing up but the stalk is choking as it grows. It seems as though as new growth appears, the stalk tapers behind it. I can feel where the stalk is dead below the new growth. Is this normal? My plant is only 18″ tall, is it killing itself to grow? Photo attached. Thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Dracaena have specific cultural needs and those are usually its downfall rather than disease. For one thing, they are very sensitive to fluoridated water, so distilled water is best. Keeping the soil pH in an acidic level (6.0 to 6.5) can help prevent fluoride damage. Avoid fertilizer with superphosphate because it contains fluorine.
Light should be bright but indirect. Direct sunlight can cause scorched areas on the plant.
Also, overwatering or poor drainage can be a problem. When you say you feel dead tissue, if it's soft, you may have soft rot going on, which is not treatable.
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