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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Double Knockout Roses Appearance

Zone 5 | JCASWELL added on May 25, 2012 | Answered

This is our FIRST experience with any type of roses. I bought and planted 5 double knockout roses 8 to 10 days ago. I do not know how long they had been potted at time of purchase. When planted, each bush had bright red blooms. 8 days later, almost all blooms are brownish, dead looking. I used Miracle Gro at planting time and have watered them often. Is this a common thing to happen right after planting (transplant shock) and will they come back soon???

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 26, 2012

It is not really common but sounds like a bad case of transplant shock. Roses like moist soils but not soggy wet soils, so test the soils with your finger or better yet a moisture meter prior to watering. Next time they do need water, water them with a big watering can and add some Root Stimulator and a product called Super Thrive to the water. I would use it the next couple of times they need watering, it helps get the root systems going and also helps them deal with the transplant shock and other stressors.

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