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Hibiscus Plants

Q.Double Hibiscus Plants

Anonymous added on June 26, 2011 | Answered

I have beautiful hibiscus plants every year and always get the ones with double blossoms. They thrive here in Illinois in the summer except for one problem. . .the blossoms are many and very large, and the stems seem too frail to hold up the flower heads. There are no bugs or other critters on the plants and I water frequently (sometimes twice a day in the 90 degree weather). I have no problem with the plants either budding or keeping the flowers. What could I do or give the plants that would strengthen the stems?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 27, 2011

If it is not in the fullest light possible, I would move it to a location where it can get more light. Also, setting a fan near the plant to gently blow on it will trigger the plant to grow more sturdy. You can also try a little nitrogen, but be careful doing this as too much nitrogen will cause the plant to stop blooming.

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