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Calla Lily Plants

Q.dormant calla lily

Zone 54455 | ellenracz@charter.net added on November 23, 2015 | Answered

I received a calla lily and now the leaves keep turning yellow – the flowers died. I have been told that this is going dormant but the florist advised me to look for help on the computer. I looked at this and it acted as if it had been in the outside ground and to wait till the frost gets it good, dig it out and take all the dirt off the rhizomes. I live in Wisconsin and we have been having cold-frosts but this was an inside plant originally from a florist. Can I find out just what to do with it? I can keep it in a very cool basement for the winter.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 25, 2015

If your potted Calla Lily has finished blooming, then it will need a dormant period.
You should stop watering the plant so the bulbs can dry out.
You can let the leaves die back naturally and then cut them off when they have all wilted down.
Store the pot in a cool and dark location for 2 months.
Then you can remove the bulbs and repot in fresh potting soil.
Began watering--moist but not soggy.
Give the Calla Lily a good bright but indirect sunlight location.

If the leaves were yellowing while it was still in bloom, this link will help you access the situation.


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