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Q.Dogwood Sapling Is Dead

Zone 37849 | Anonymous added on April 21, 2021 | Answered

We bought a dogwood last year and we were quite sure it died. It is April and there is no sign of life in the tree itself, however new growth is coming up from the ground. What do we do? Is this a new tree? (It has 3 different growths at the bottom)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 22, 2021

If the tree was grafted or budded, the new growths are from the rootstock and you don't want those. They are normally removed.

If it's a seed grown tree or from a cutting, then the new growth could turn into a new tree. Perhaps the top growth died, but the roots did not.

I do see a couple places on the tree that could be where the scion was attached to the rootstock. If that is the case, the new growth should be removed, along with the tree.


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