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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Dogwood red twig shrub

Zone 19933 | Anonymous added on June 1, 2017 | Answered

We planted a dogwood red twig shrub in a large pot for our patio. It was planted in April 2016 and looked beautiful, it bloomed and now the leaves and flowers are browning. Can you suggest what’s the best thing to do? We plan on transplanting it to the ground in the fall as we are in a new home and weren’t sure just where we want to place it. Appreciate any advice – is this normal or what should we do to save this plant?
Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 2, 2017

How is the soil? Dogwood, especially a new planting will need to be kept moist, but never soggy. The container should have good drainage.
You will need to water daily, even twice a day in warm weather.

If the soil is not draining and the roots are sitting in over wet soil, the shrub could also suffer root rot.


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