Q.Dogwood Positioning
Zone 6a. Bought tiny dogwood (supposedly a lousy, says the Gardening Club). I read dogwoods are UNDERSTORY trees, yet all the ones I see around here are stand alone in sunshine. Should I follow that practice, or should I locate it on back, under the shade of an at least 30 foot mature oak where it would get partial sun, there by recreating the “understory” environment? P.s. It struggled & turned brown on the bottom 1/2 of the leaves while in the pot. I snipped the crispies off & re-did the pot in better & more soil til I decide on its home.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The tree thrives with a little direct sun, some filtered sun and a little shade. The more sun they get, the more brilliant the blossoms they'll have, however, they don't like or need intense heat or all-day sun. Try to emulate the conditions of the forest for them - some bright sun for some of the day and some shade for the rest.
Here's an article about dogwoods: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/dogwood/caring-dogwood-trees.htm