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Zone Statham GA 30666 | Anonymous added on June 29, 2021 | Answered

Why does this tree look like this it is 3yrs in same place nothing different and it looks dead and it is watered

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 3, 2021

A watering problem maybe? I would check if it has root rot or is not getting enough water. The roots are shallow so try to get the soil moist down to a depth of 6-12" near sunrise. If it is already moist, skip watering until the soil is dry or almost dry. If the leaves are wilting, the tree needs water. If the shallow roots sit in soggy conditions for too long, the roots may develop root rot. Leaf symptoms of root rot are identical to those of lack of enough/no water since the roots are unable to absorb water.

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