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Fig Tree

Q.dog chewed off pretty large branch of a fig tree

Zone kokomo, ms 39643 | Anonymous added on January 24, 2018 | Answered

A dog chewed off a side branch(a rather large branch of an italian fig tree I have been babying for the past 3 or 4 years. Thank God we have not a an extremely cold winter. However, we still have two months to go and the way our weather is you can expect anything. We live in middle to southern Ms. Will this kill my tree and what can I do to protect the open end that has been chewed off? I absolutely love this tree. Please help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 26, 2018

Simply placing a plastic bucket over the damaged part can help protect it. You could also wrap the area with bubble wrap, or you could use the more intensive method described here to protect the entire tree:

In any case, damage to one branch shouldn't kill the entire tree. In springtime you may have to prune it back further if part of the branch is dead.

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