Q.Does self fertile haskcap/honeyberry exist?
I read some of your articles recently and would like to thank you for sharing those on the net. As someone who obviously knows a great deal about these plants, I wondered if I could possibly run a question by you? I have recently bought some of these: http://www.crocus.co.uk/plants/_/lonicera-caerulea-var-kamtschatica/classid.2000020837
The company – Crocus – insist that their variety is self fertile. In fact, they told me that they have double checked with their specialist grower in Holland, who have in turn confirmed that there is no pollination partner for the honeyberry ‘Kamtschatica’ that they supply to Crocus. Almost everything else I have read concerning honeyberries would suggest otherwise and that a suitable pollinating partner is necessary for fruiting. When questioned further, Crocus say that perhaps “American websites are referring to the species plant rather than the cultivated form we sell.”
I wondered what your thoughts might be on this matter. Also, the plants I have are 2 years old and in 2 litre pots. They are around 15-20 cm tall. Does that sound right for 2 year old plants? Hope you don’t mind me asking and, of course, I totally understand if you are too busy to respond.
Many thanks either way

You may very well have a self fruiting variety as they are available.
Your plants do sound small for the age of 2 years. Do you plant to leave them in containers?
Planting recommendations are to plant directly into the ground.
Here are some articles with more information.