Q.Does My Indoor Passion Fruit Vine (edulis) Need A Larger Pot?
Seed-grown, going on year three, is currently in a 12-inch wide, 10′ high, pot (5 gallon?). I pruned it severely about two weeks ago, and new growth is coming in vigorously. It is indoors, in a large south window, and will stay there, as there is no patio or yard. It did bloom the first year. In order to increase the likelihood that I. will get blooms this year, do I need to move it to a larger pot, and if so, what size is recommended?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I wouldn't move it until you see roots coming out of the drainage holes, and roots start circling the container. They will fruit better being slightly root-bound.
You should be able to pull the entire thing as one mass, when it is dry. If the soil ball starts falling apart, then it is not fully colonized.
If it is time to move it, then opt for a container that is a few inches larger on each side. Anything larger and you risk causing root rot from too much uncolonized soil.