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Mushroom Cultivation

Q.Does Light Affect Mycelium

Zone 48095 | Resuwen added on January 20, 2022 | Answered

Wondering if I can have jars of growing mycelium and fruiting cakes at the same time

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 20, 2022

I find that exposing mycelium to some light helps it to colonize faster, in spite of old knowledge that says otherwise!

I have colonized species over several genera, both, in darkness and in fruiting conditions. What I have found is that most will perform the same or better, in the light, as long as your moisture is on point.

The exception is with Agaricus bisporus...

If you want that pristine, white, button- Those bad boys need to be grown in darkness. Otherwise, you will see quite a bit of brown coloration.

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