Q.Does asparagus get old and poor production occur?
I began planting asparagus approximately 21 years ago. Over the years I planted more where others did not come up. Anyway….it seems as if this situation is increasing every year… my asparagus is growing a crop like a pencil and is too hard to eat. Is the crop done and do I need to start over, or is there something I need to put on to fertilize the area so the crop produces nice stalks to serve for dinner?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Some cultivars can last for 50 to 100 years, but 20 to 30 is about standard. I'm afraid that it is time to replant.
Thank you. I was told that by a local farmer lady but I didn't believe her. Too bad I leave the stalks grow high and only cut them down in the spring. If I knew they would get crappy so fast I wouldn't have bothered. My grandson just absolutely loves asparagus when he comes to eat AND the poodle goes to the garden and eats it raw! Oh well....I'll have to look for some new plants once the seasons change a bit. AND I took care when I planted what I had by following instructions in planting them. Down deep in a little gully with a little dirt over them until they sprout, then add a little more dirt, etc. until they reach the normal ground level. There is a lot of rig-a-ma-rol in planting them. That's for sure! How about answering my question on sweet oxhart cherries. Do I need 2 because mine never blossoms? t I have a sour cherry nearby which evidently doesn't do anything to help it along.