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Plum Trees

Q.Does Anyone Know What This Is, They Are Lumps On The Leaves

Zone Coventry | SadieW1 added on May 9, 2020 | Answered

These lumps are appearing on the plum tree leaves, but no signs of insects. What could it be and how do I treat it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2020

They are, certainly, from insects. Usually mites or midges cause these types of galls. This isn't as bad as it gets, and is a fairly mild case here.

It isn't going to harm your tree that much. It may be unsightly, but treating for mites or other insects to prevent future infestations will be the only method of control.

Here is an article to help you to combat leaf galls:


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