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Snow Peas

Q.Do you have to cut back Snowpeas or Sugar Snap peas?

mhge added on May 18, 2012 | Answered

I am a new gardener. I started because of my two young sons. We planted snow peas and sugar snap peas in the early winter. They are starting to look brown. . . I’m thinking because of the heat. Do I need to cut them back or pull out the whole plant and start again next year? OR can I keep the plants there, clean them up and next year have another harvest? Sorry for the silly questions. I know nothing about gardening.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 21, 2012

These are NOT silly questions. They are very important to know.

They are likely at the end of their run and the heat is likely the cause. You can go ahead and pull them and plant other vegetables that will grow now. You can replant peas and beans when the weather starts to cool down again. Many gardeners get 2 crops with peas and beans, one in the late winter/early spring and one in the fall/ early winter - depending on where you will.

Here is more information on peas, if you are interested:

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