Q.Do My Roses Have Rosette Disease?
I live in Fresno California and have many roses- tea, miniatures, trees and floribundas. I noticed a strange growth pattern this past few weeks just as everything in the garden was starting to take off as the weather warmed and we had some rain. When I tried to match the images I saw on the internet to my roses I worry that I have rosettes disease. Here are my photos. The branches are tall and very soft as well as being reddish I color. The leaves are curled. I see no bugs or evidence of such.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It does look like it. Herbicide injury can look similar so if you've sprayed near your roses, wait a bit and see if the growth continues to be vigorous. If so, I would go ahead and remove the bush, along with the soil immediately around it to get any mites that might be harboring in the soil. Keep an eye out on your other roses because the mite may have visited them, too.