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Jalapeno Pepper Plants

Q.Do I Need To Pull My Plants If I Have Too Many?

Zone 80925 | Anonymous added on May 21, 2021 | Answered

I started my vegetables from seeds. I have jalapeƱos and bell peppers that have like 4 plants to one area. Do I need to pull them. How many plants am I allowed in an area?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 27, 2021

When you grow seeds, it's always advisable to thin them out after several come up in almost the same space. Select the strongest and healthiest looking and cut out the others. (Sometimes pulling them can upend those nearby.)

Space them according to the seed packet instructions. It should tell you how tall and wide they will grow. Use that information to gauge how far apart your veggies should be. They need sun and plenty of air circulation so you don't want to crowd them.



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