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Broccoli Plants

Q.covering broccoli and cauliflower

Anonymous added on June 6, 2016 | Answered

Do I need to keep some kind of covering over my broccoli and cauliflower plants in the garden? I have decided to try broccoli and cauliflower in my garden this year. I got some plants, transplanted them to the garden, and now they are thriving. I was told recently that I need to keep these plants covered so that they do not get burnt by the sun. Would a sunscreen be appropriate to place over them so that they still get a little bit of sunlight but not too much? Or am I ok with just making sure that the leaves are pulled over the curds and florets? Thanks for any information you can give me!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 6, 2016

It sounds like they have made a good transition to the garden. Hardening the plants off is a important step, but covering them now would not be necessary.
I have listed links with more information.


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