Q.Do I Need to Cut Back My Brown Eyed Susans?
I planted some brown eyed susans last year. After they bloomed, I didn’t do anything with them and the dead stems and flowers are still there. Am I supposed to cut them back so they bloom again this year?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, you can go ahead and cut these to the ground. Here is more information on growing these plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/black-eyed-susan/black-eyed-susan-flower.htm
Rudbeckia triloba, Brown-eyed Susan is a short lived perennial. Now is the time to cut back as Nikki said. If you want the plant to spread, leave the spent blooms on the stalk so mature seed can scatter. If you want the plant to pruduce more blooms, deadhead as flowers start looking bad...that way the plant puts more energy into new blooms instead of making seed.