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Q.Do I Need To Bake My Eggshells Before Composting?

Zone T6A3C5 | Anonymous added on April 2, 2022 | Answered

Several questions: I read that I need to peel away the inside membrane of the eggshells and bake them to get rid of salmonella. Is that really necessary? Someone on another website said no need, just chuck ’em in. I don’t have a composter or anything so I just keep a little container by the sink. So because peels or scraps aren’t broken down and to avoid odors, I’m just stockpiling coffee grounds and tea leaves. Anything else I can add?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 3, 2022

No, you don't need to bake eggshells before using them in the garden, but you can wash them off. These articles will help:

You don't have to have a composter to compost. You can just start a compost "heap" in a corner of the backyard.





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