Q.DIY Injecting Fungicide Apple Tree
How can I find out how to do Copper Fungal Injections old heirloom Apple Tree? I have a 125 yr. old Heirloom Red Delicious Apple Tree that has acquired a fungal core infection. I’m in Milwaukee, WI, USA and it is constantly raining here and can’t use the Copper as a spray without the waste and dangers of the application. Do you also have US distributors for the syringes? I have no problem drilling/dosing/precautions properly; just want to know if you have used on apple trees. Thanks

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I suggest you work with a local nursery or county extension service to fix the problem. Here is a link to a series of articles on apple tree problems that may be helpful, plus info on tree injections.
As to the syringes, we do not make product recommendations. Again, your best source of help would be a nursery or extension expert.