Q.Disease of rose creeper
The leaves of my rose bush and its new sprouts are dying out. But very fine cobwebs between the leaves. It is only happening in the upper part. I have sent pictures of both the top part and the uninfected lower one. I’d be grateful to receive your help.
It looks like spider mites activity to me. The little webs are the perfect tell tale sign of spider mites. You need to get a miticide spray to get after them. Insecticides will only kill their enemys and make things far worse. I used Avid and Floramite rotated in spraying the roses. At first site of them I use my Avid miticide and then follow up with a spraying of Floramite two weeks later. You do not want to use one of them too often or the mites will develop a resistance to them. These products can be very costly, so I go to Ebay and search for them. I can buy smaller amounts that are perfect for my needs for far less money. The spider mites especially love the new young foliage as they suck the juices out of the foliage to survive. Be mindful too of reflected sunlight through glass panels and such. Such reflected sunlight is kind of like reflecting the suns rays through a magnifying glass onto something, it burns the foliage fairly quickly.