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Spindle Palm

Q.Discoloration on fronds of spindle palm

Zone 61233 | Anonymous added on October 17, 2019 | Answered

I was curious what could be the cause of this discoloration on the fronds of my spindle palm. I purchased it back in April and have it in a pot currently in my house due to cold temps outside. Just wondering if this is anything I should be worrying about or if it’s normal. This is one the original shoot from when I received it but I have also noticed a couple smaller spots similar to this on some newer shoots. Thanks for any info and help on this issue.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2019

From the photo, I believe your palm has a fungal leaf spot disease (not sure of exact identity without laboratory analysis). This could have originated in the nursery where it came from, and it could be partially a result of nutrient deficiency and/or water management.

Remove the severely affected fronds to prevent transmission. A copper fungicide will help prevent further outbreaks but won't correct any leaf spots you already have.

See the disease management section of this article from University of Florida (lots of palms in that state so lots of research and information)
"It has been observed that some fungal leaf pathogens are more severe on nutritionally-stressed palms."



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