Q.Direct Midwest sun toleration
I have two Hibiscus plants. One seems to be thriving, the other has issues. I am a rank novice at gardening. The plant not doing well is in about 8 hours of direct sun. I water daily. Some of the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. The blooms are less than full. Is the direct sun too much? Am I watering too often? The pots are open at the bottom’ therefore, the water runs out. Thank you in advance fir any assistance.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is likely that you are not watering enough. If the pot has good drainage, it is very difficult to overwater a plant outside in direct light.
Try giving the plant some fertilizer (regular watering can leach it out of the soil) and soak the pot in a tub of water. What can happen sometimes is the rootball dries out and it actually starts to repel water. Soaking the pot and rootball in water for a half hour or so will rehydrate it. You can also try increasing water, to twice a day.