Q.Digging up a large conifer tree.
I need to remove a large (7ft) conifer tree from my front garden, as it is sucking all the goodness from the soil and has killed a nearby shrub.
I would like to know if anything else can be planted in its place after it has been removed.
I am concerned that nothing else will grow there again.
Thank you.

The simplest, and in the long run least expensive move is to test the soil at your state extension service. Tests run $10-25 depending on state and give a wealth of information such as nutrient levels, amount of organic material, type of soil and pH. If there are deficiencies, it will tell you exactly how to correct them. There is sure to be a plant that will grow in that space. Knowing the pH and type of soil will make it easier to find a plant that will do well. While you are at your state's extension service website to order your soil test, look for their recommendations for what grows well in your area. Enjoy your new planting!