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Camellia Plants

Q.Digging up a Camellia

Zone CM8 1JL | sheila51 added on April 23, 2014 | Answered

I want to dig up/remove totally a Camellia. It is about 6 ft tall and the stem is about the circumference of a scaffold pole. Do these plants have extensive roots?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 23, 2014

You don't say if you want to transplant the camellia, or simply get rid of it. If you want to move it, this article has a lot of good information: http://www.aces.edu/counties/StClair/documents/NRCamelliaMoveGlover09.pdf
If you want to totally get rid of it, consider that many people love camellias. You could contact some nearby nurseries or landscapers, or run an ad, to see if anyone would like to have it. You could probably even offer it for sale. This way, you don't even have to go to the work to dig up the plant, and someone else still gets to enjoy it.

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