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Q.different rose after a few years

Zone elmira,or 97437 | xadespain added on June 15, 2019 | Answered

I’ve had a rose bush for about 5 years. For the first 3 years it has produced 1-2 roses each year of the type
of bush, last year nothing. This year is has about 15 roses but hey are nothing like the roses it should be. It almost looks like a wild rose now. Do you know why it would do this?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 19, 2019

Many rosebushes are what is called Grafted rosebushes. This means that the top part of the rosebush, which we buy to enjoy. Has been grafted onto a hardy root stock of a different rosebush. They do this so that the rosebush will survive and do well in various climates. Sometimes the upper part of the rosebush dies and the hardy root stock rosebush takes over and sends up canes of its own. When this happens the blooms you get will not be at all like the original upper part of the rosebush we bought. I would recommend digging it out and planting a new rosebush there that you like the looks of. Here is a link to an article about grafted rosebushes for you as well: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/own-root-roses-grafted-roses.htm

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