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Insect Pest Control

Q.Plant Pests

Anonymous added on January 3, 2011 | Answered

Are spider mites and mealy bugs the same? The same substance comes under the leaf and looks white, sticky and powdery.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 3, 2011

No, they are not the same. They are two different types of bugs. That being said, their treatment is very similar. Here are some articles to help you with dealing with them:

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Answered on April 8, 2018

Stickiness is a tell-tale sign of mealybugs, but not spider mites. Treat the mealybugs with a solution of 5 part water, 1 part alcohol and a squirt of liquid soap. The key to success is less what you use to spray and more how thorough you are in spraying the entire plant, including all leaf and stem surface.If you miss even a few, they will reproduce and come back later.

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