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Q.Dieffenbachia trimming

Zone 3 | doughty added on May 27, 2015 | Answered

I put my large dieffenbachia outside. Now most of the leaves are yellowed and dying. The plant has a good sized stalk and is about 4 feet tall. How can I save it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 27, 2015

When did you bring your bring your plant outside? I am just wondering if possibly it got nipped in the cold at some point? Also, when you brought your plant outdoors, did you immediately put it in a location of full sun? Some dieffenbachia plants require low filtered light - so it needs to be in a shady location. Your dieffenbachia probably found its new setting a lot brighter than it’s accustomed to inside your home - it could literally get sunburned. Ideally, indoor plants should be slowly acclimated and transitioned to outdoor life. Here is an article on acclimating houseplants that will explain more:


For more information on the care of dieffenbachia, please visit the following link:

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