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Zone Fort Lauderdale Fla | jjjegan added on June 16, 2016 | Answered

My plant is a beautiful gold speckled dark green, but the new leaves unfurling are pale yellow. It started this a week after I had it, daughter purchased it for Mother’s day this year. The garden we bought it from said they had never seen this before and were no help. I am hoping you can shed some light on the problem. The one I discarded had been with me for six years, so you can understand my curiosity. Thank you, Fort lauderdale.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 18, 2016

Your plant sounds like it needs more water.
A Dieffenbachia is a tropical plant and needs to have it's soil consistently moist.
Here is a link that will refresh you on the care requirements.


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