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Morning Glory Plants

Q.Did I hurt my morning glories?

Zone 92117 | sighkaika added on August 19, 2018 | Answered

I am new to gardening so I just found out about cotyledon leaves. My morning glories are just lil seedlings and I read something about pinching to make it more dense, so I tried it. But I didn’t know about the cotyledon leaves, BUT I DIDN’T TOUCH THEM. I ‘pinched’ what was I’m assuming the actual stem, not the cotyledon leaves. By doing this, did I risk anything? If I didn’t pinch the actual cotyledon leaves and just the baby stem, then I should be good, right?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 19, 2018

For future reference, don't pinch back plants before they are 3-4 inches tall and has several sets of true leaves. What you've done is set back the emergence of true leaves which the seedling desperately needs for photosynthesis/energy. Does the seed have enough energy to overcome your rookie mistake? Only time will tell. This article discusses pinching and pruning of morning glories. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/morning-glory/prune-morning-glory-plants.htm

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